EMR Safety Rating -- 0.97
EMR Safety Rating -- 0.97





Remote Visual Testing performed by North Country NDT is a Non-destructive Testing (NDT) technique used to inspect and examine a variety of visible flaws such as cracks, corrosion, contamination, and structural integrity. Remote visual Testing also provides supplemental information when used in conjunction with our other NDT Services. Remote Visual Inspection is by far the most common and relatively simple NDT technique we use. 


Technologies used in this type of testing include, but are not limited to, rigid or flexible boroscopes, videoscopes, fiberscopes, push cameras, pan/tilt/zoom cameras and robotic crawlers. North Country NDT specializes in boroscope examination. Remote Testing techniques are commonly used where distance, angle of view and limited lighting may impair direct visual examination or where access is limited by time, financial constraints or atmospheric hazards.


This testing technique can also be used as a predictive maintenance or regularly scheduled maintenance tool to assess the health, stability and operability of fixed and portable assets such as storage tanks and pressure valves. North Country NDT utilizes Remote Visual Testing procedures such as Boroscope Examination to enable greater inspection coverage, inspection repeatability and data comparison.

For More Information


Contact North Country NDT for more information about Remote Visual Testing and how we can utilize it for your business.

Contact Us Today!

North Country NDT, LLC

P.O. Box 283

Ticonderoga, NY  12883



Phone: +1 (518) 216-4017

Email: info@northcountryndt.com

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